Transition for round (spiro) air duct
BGN0.00 tax excl.
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Ventilation systems are used all around us. Their widespread use is due to the need for air circulation in closed spaces. Although they are common and relatively identical, these types of networks are not exactly the same and differ in certain components. This necessitates the use of devices that ensure a smooth connection of elements of the ventilation network with different cross-sections or sizes.
It is this function that reducers for air ducts, also known as transitions, perform. On our site you can find several types with different characteristics to choose from depending on what connection you need to make.
The regulation of the air flow in the ventilation system is essential for the uniform distribution of air in the respective room. A quality air duct transition aids this process by increasing air pressure and therefore flow itself.
Without a quality duct reducer, uneven airflow can lead to hot and cold spots in your home or building. This is a big problem, not only for comfort, but because you may have to pay higher energy bills as the heating system has to compensate for this uneven distribution. Another major plus of a quality transition is that it prevents air leakage, which maintains the efficiency of the ventilation and heating process.
Here you will find several main types of reducers, of which:
We are distinguished by our commitment to high product quality and long-term sustainability. By shopping in our online store, you will get a quality reducer at an affordable price that will do you a good job for a long period of time.
We provide a custom order option, with the ability to change certain parameters, thereby providing the diameter and perimeter dimensions you need. Regardless of the form of transition that you will purchase, it will be as convenient as possible to join your overall ventilation system. It will help the effective circulation of the air stream, no matter what space its installation will be for.
BGN0.00 tax excl.
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