Service activities and prices:

Chernev Clima Service Ltd. provides warranty and post-warranty service of the offered products and services. The service includes ensuring the delivery of the necessary spare parts and their replacement, advice on damage and the reasons for their occurrence, settings and replacement of consumables.

In case of out-of-warranty service, depending on the volume of the maintained equipment, its condition and location, the prices for its service are determined.

We try to offer services at affordable prices with the highest quality, precision and speed! We recommend all our customers to trust the professionals and not to repair any damage themselves, even after the expiration of the warranty period of the machine or equipment.

Contact us for a consultation at least by phone or e-mail or directly request a time and address for maintenance and service. Our consultations are completely free, but can save you a lot of time and effort.

50.00 - 665.00 BGN - Maintenance

90.00 BGN - Repair of a fan motor on an indoor or outdoor unit

80.00 BGN - Replacement of ionizing filters on air conditioners - (labor), + the price of new filters

55.00 BGN - Replacing CHECK valve (labor)

120.00 BGN - Four-way valve replacement (labor)

180.00 BGN - Compressor replacement (labor)

20.00 - 40.00 BGN - Replacement of temperature sensor or detector - (labor)

20.00 - 40.00 BGN - Replacing the fan blade of outdoor unit - (work)

40.00 BGN - Replacement of turbine for fan of indoor unit - (work)

50.00 BGN - Replacement of outdoor unit taps (in number, the price does not include body disassembly) - (labor)

30.00 - 40.00 BGN -  Disassembly of a fan motor on an indoor or outdoor unit depending on the make, model and size of the air conditioner

60.00 – 80.00 BGN – Replacement of bearings on an indoor unit

30.00 - 40.00 BGN - Installation of a fan motor on an indoor or outdoor unit depending on the make, model and size of the air conditioner - (labor)

40.00 - 80.00 BGN - Replacement of electric capacitor depending on the make, model and size of the air conditioner with included part.

40.00 - 80.00 BGN - Replacement of external or internal board depending on the make, model and size of the air conditioner - (labor)

20.00 - 40.00 BGN - Replacement of nozzles on indoor unit, the price includes the nozzle (per number)

20.00 - 200.00 BGN - Repair of electrical unit or circuit board depending on the make, model and size of the air conditioner

70.00 - 140.00 BGN - Leak removal and nitrogen test

20.00 - 50.00 BGN - Leakage welding depending on the make, model and size of the air conditioner (number)

20.00 - 60.00 BGN - Temperature sensor or detector depending on the indicators (number))

40.00 - 100.00 BGN - Electric capacitor, depending on the indicators (number)

20.00 - 80.00 BGN - Price for outdoor unit crane according to make, model and size of air conditioner (number)

150.00 BGN –  Loading with R410 freon up to 1 kg (the price does not depend on the amount of freon added)

150.00 BGN + 13 BGN on each started 100 ml  - Refueling with freon R410 above 1 kg

All prices include VAT and may be reduced or increased depending on the season and market conditions, the location and volume of work, as well as changes in the prices of purchased materials.

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