People often wonder if the new VRV and VRF air conditioning systems are similar and have similar parameters as they become more popular and sought after on the market. What exactly is the difference between the two? Well in the abbreviation. In 1982, Daikin managed to find a solution to the problems that accompany multi-split systems, when using them for complete air conditioning of buildings and premises. This solution, they patented as VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume). Thus, this abbreviation remains their trademark, and systems based on this technology, but manufactured by other manufacturers are referred to as VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow). This abbreviation means that these systems have the ability to control the flow of refrigerant. For this purpose, the flow of refrigerant into each indoor unit is regulated by an electronic thermostatic valve installed in it. This is due to their higher energy efficiency and easier maintenance of a uniform temperature compared to systems operating in on and off mode.


The LG Multi V 5 VRF system is an innovative solution and is increasingly entering air conditioning systems, gradually pushing traditional solutions out of the market. The VRV/VRF system is also known as a multisplit system or a multisity system. Unlike the old known air conditioning systems, it has a variable flow rate, which in professional language means that it has a variable flow of refrigerant, while in other systems it is a variable value.


The VRF system of LG Multi V 5 is among the most modern ways of air conditioning of premises and buildings today and is increasingly used in everyday life and business, mainly due to its high levels of efficiency. In addition, the VRV system allows with the help of one or more outdoor units to maintain the air conditioning of the entire building throughout the year and in any season during which we need heating or cooling. In multi-split systems, a separate pipeline is run from the outdoor unit to each indoor unit, and in VRV/VRF, a single pipeline is routed from the outdoor unit to which all indoor units are connected. Providing the different required freon pressure for each indoor unit is done through Y-couplers or so-called branches. These are Y-shaped branches that have the required diameter to reduce the pressure in the main line to that required for each indoor unit. Usually a two-pipe or three-pipe highway is launched, and 3 outdoor and 30 indoor units cannot be connected to it. This helps to simplify and perform faster installation, as well as to facilitate the possible expansion of the system. Another great advantage is the significant increase in the maximum allowable distance of the pipe between the outdoor and indoor unit. For VRV/VRF system MULTI V 5 it is 200m. And the difference in the height of the outdoor and indoor body can be up to 100m. For comparison, in the multi-split system, the maximum length of the pipe between the two bodies is 50-70 m, and in this situation it loses between 20% -30% of its power. Because of all this, the VRV/VRF system is actively used for air conditioning of office buildings, hotel and holiday complexes, hypermarkets, public, administrative and business buildings.

Full control and flexible management

With this system, control and monitoring are very adaptable and flexible and have extremely high levels of process automation. Indoor units open wide possibilities for control and commands through individual controllers, and centrally the system is controlled through a central console, through an Internet connection or through the so-called. BMS. The VRV/VRF system has the advantage that it provides the user with the possibility to install several outdoor units on the roof of the building without burdening its structure. It is incredibly reliable in both cooling and heating of every building and room in which it is used. It has the unique option to transfer heat from one part of the building to another when needed. Provides great opportunities for automated control of operating and mode, temperature amplitude, ventilation speeds, location of each valve, configuration of different timers, real-time monitoring of the parameters of the system itself, extremely low energy costs, frost prevention and leaks, which are common to most air conditioners known to date.

High efficiency

The VRV/VRF system is extremely efficient, which to a large extent justifies the necessary higher initial investments for its installation. In the presentation of the Multi V 5 system by LG Electronics, emphasis was placed on leading indicators such as increased energy and efficiency, reduced energy costs, higher levels of security, functionality and comfort for user convenience.

Check out LG's VRF/VRV range here